In their ten-week program, International Thriller Writers Organization sponsors online programs led by a master in the craft of thriller writing. Each instructor will teach some aspect of thriller creation during a two-hour Live Zoom session, will provide written materials for further reading along with study suggestions, and will offer an entire week of online Q&A with the registered students.
If you are unable to attend each week you will still be able to view the broadcasts and review questions that were asked. If you are unable to attend an entire week you will be able to review the Q&A from the other students and that week’s instructor.
2021’s instructors: Jeffrey Deaver, Lisa Gardner, Anthony Horowitz, Liv Constantine, Alexia Gordon, Adam Hamdy, Cate Holahan, Steven James, Tosca Lee, Jaime Levine, David Morrell, Samuel Octavius, Alex Segura and Jerri Williams.
Space is limited so contact Christopher Graham at [email protected] to be added to the wait list. Date has not been finalized. Tuition is $495. Attendee requirements are Facebook and Zoom accounts.